FRIDAY, August 12, 2011
11 a.m.
Remember anyone can add items to this agenda--it's open to all --if you have a log in. You can request access at the right.
Issues and concerns - what's on your mind?
Brief overview of "Book Babies" - DK - We would like to find one/two people interested in being subs to run this group when Deb K. is unavailable.
New Policies:
Unattended children and adults in need of supervision
animals in the building
Proposed Policies:
Discipline, Grievance and Appeal Policy (emailed to all staff on 5-26-11--you can find it at public\policiesproceduresandmanuals\librarypolicies\policydiscussions\discipline and grienvance\staff memo. . . .--SMS) Questions, clarifidations, concerns.
what could we use volunteers to do for us? (km)
Staff Representative at Library Board meeting :
August 23, 2011: Rock River
September 27: Centennial
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