

Page history last edited by Susan Simpson 14 years ago

Wednesday, 1/12/2011, 1:15 p.m.

Who leads meeting / records tasks? NM, KM, SMS, BJM


Next Meeting Date:  Jan. 12, 1:15  p.m.  

  • Leading change, a review (bjm) 
  • New employee paperwork - suggestions for cutting down on paper handed out that is never looked at again. (bjm) Wiki/shared drive/list of what is important to know the location of? (bjm)
  • Jobs with same title but different duties- generic draft for discussion (km to draft/bjm to check w/Laramie County)
    • I spoke with Laura Block at LCLS. They don't have exactly the same situation, but suggested Pub. Serv. Asst - Youth Services and Pub. Serv. Asst - Information (or whatever) based on a core of common tasks, then adding the the elements that are specific to only one area. They have Assistants and Senior Assistants, but the Senior's make more money. (BJM) 
  • Minimum amount people can charge? I think this needs discussion - does it cost us more to have someone charge 20 cents than it is worth? City is charing $2 for a convenience fees for smaller charges (sms)
  • Marjorie five year plan assessment, marketing plan,godfrey's implementation (sms) 
  • Update on SPET:  Have $1372 in our account with all bills not paid.   Here's the timeline again:  


Who is going to the legislative reception?

What else do we need to do about the Jan. 26 closing?Agenda110112 Agenda110112


Harassment Policy is up for review:  These are questions I have about it:

  1. Is the board chair to be informed? 
  2. What about department heads, particularly supervisors?
  3. What about spouses, impatient spouses?
  4. What about staff and volunteers not following the policy—for reporting or for confidentiality?
  5. Who get the report and what’s done with it?  And how long is it kept?
  6. What report  goes back to those interviewed? 

I also asked for more information about the reasons for privacy and will share those at the meeting.  the draft is at publoic\poicies, proceudres nd manual\library policies\policies for discussion\harassment\  called something like revised. 


Update on Job Searches:  


Technical Services Librarian




Standing Invitations:

2nd Wednesday:  Thomas

4th Wednesday   Marjorie  (public/shared/brochure/godfreys.xlsb) 



Probations ending: Strike outs indicate that reviews have been done and placed in the personnel folder.


Jodie as Older Adult Specialist: Start date 12/30/10 (3 month review by 3/30/11, 6 month review prior to 6/30/11)

Colleen: Start date 1/7/11 (3 month review by 4/7/11, 6 month review prior to 7/7/11)

Tamara: Start date 1/8/11 (3 month review by 4/8/11, 6 month review prior to 7/8/11)

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