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Recarpeting the Public and Staff Areas

Page history last edited by Susan Simpson 14 years, 7 months ago

Parts of the library will be recarpeted in March and April.  We are estimating three days to complete each part. The work must be finished by May 1. 


This docuemnt is divided into first and second steps and then overview and preparation.


Circ staff should talk with their supervisors about their hours on Tuesday and Wednesday; people who work in the evening will need to change time. 






The orange stripe in the public area will be replaced. Movers will come in and move out  or over the furniture and shelves.  We will move the computers.    Library staff will have one day of training--March 30.  On Wednesday, March 30, we will have a staff clean up and out day to prepare for carpeting the staff room areas, (and removing signs, etc).  


To Prepare:  Go through cuboards, shelves, drawers,  etc.  in all areas on orange carpet.  Remove what you do not use, what is outdated, nonfunctional, or not necessary to circ.   Sort accordingly..   Remember invetnory requirements.  Betsy will comment here.   We will move the computers ourselves. 



April 19-21:  the library will be open, but the meeting room will be unavailable.  The library will be open, and carpet will be replaced in staff break and work rooms, and in the administrative offices.  Movers will store some materials; others will be moved to the large meeting room.  Circ staff will beed to determine what they want to have available to them when the workroom and break rooms are unavailable.


You are wlecome to work from home or take vacation.


To Prepare


March 31:  We will have a clean out day.  Don't toss items because your trash may be someone's treasurer, but we will group what we think we can dispose of.  review and dispose of what we can.


Week of April 12:   Box up  items in and on your desk and work area.    That includes closets, shelving, trash cans, chairs.  Divide them into what can be stored and what you will need to work on April 20 and 21. File cabinets do not have to be emptied.


Label everything with your name, destination, and return location. 

Labels will be provided; information on them will include your name, item's destination (i.e. storage or large meeting room) and where to return the items. 


We also need to box up the staff work room.


Weekend of April 18:  Your computer will be moved to a table in the large meeting room. your name will be on the table too.


Monday, April 19: Movers will come in and move everything. Carpet layers will come in and remove move carpet and start installing new.


Tuesday and Wednesday:  People will work in the large meeting room.


Wednesday:  Carpet installers finish. and movers replace what have been removed.  Computers are returned. 

This is the point thatthe movers recommend dusting, polishing, etc.  


Questions to answer:

1.  How shall we manage the phones?


Josh will move to the Public Services Office.

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