
Tech Services monthly stats


  1. In Director's station, go to TS Folder.
  2. Go to Albylibs item added breakdown
  3. Select the current month
  4. Export into Excel
  5. Remove ILL and DISCARD location columns
  6. Recompute totals after removing those columns
  7. Paste report into correct month in P:\Technical Services\Statistics\cataloging statistics FY 20xx-20xy.xls
  8. Take totals for circ by age group and AV (AV is a separate total and computed by adding AV, JUV_AV, and YA_AV) and put in appropriate tab in:
  9. P:\Shared\STATS\Contributors HERE!\Contributors' Stats.xls
  10. Add in "purged" stat (Computed from totals in monthly Remove Discard reports, in your email)
    1. The number to use is "item record(s) deleted."  You'll get separate reports for ROCK and CENT and you add the three numbers together to get the total.
  11. Add in "mended" stat (Presently a rough estimate of items repaired)
  12. Change "month" listed in that tab
  13. Print that tab for TS report 
  14. Save everything