
Shelving Carts

Page history last edited by ACPL Staff 15 years, 9 months ago

Items go in a variety of locations when discharged. This page provides a comprehensive list of the places where items need to go in preparation for shelving.


Children's Cart


Easy items- All items marked with a letter "E" followed by a cutter number are placed on the upper shelf of the cart on the side facing the entrance (there is an "Easy" label on the cart; make sure it is correctly oriented.)  This includes books labeled "CD E [cutter #]" as well. Be sure to watch out for new items as they go in a different location.


Easy readers- All items marked with "E-R" followed by either a cutter number or a dewey decimal number are placed on the right-hand side of the middle shelf of the children's cart underneath the "E" books.  Again, watch out for new items.


Easy littles- Items marked "E-L" go in the middle of the middle shelf of the children's cart. These are usually board books, though some paper-page books are labelled the same way.  New E-Ls may have a sticker, but are not shelved separately from the E-L collection.


Easy/Easy reader paper backs- All items labeled "E PB" or "E-R PB" go on the left-hand side of the middle shelf.  Some paperbacks in these categories are cataloged as regular E or E-R, so be careful to make sure you see the "PB" label before placing them here.


Juvenile AV- Videotapes, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks labeled with a "J" before their dewey decimal or cutter number go on the bottom shelf of the children's cart. Keep an eye out for new items.


Juvenile nonfiction- Items labeled with a "J" followed by a dewey decimal number go on the right side of the upper shelf of the children's cart on the side facing toward the Wyoming room (Again, check the label on the cart to ensure it is properly oriented.).  Check covers for new labels before placing them here.


Juvenile biographies-Items labeled "J B [cutter number]" are placed with juvenile nonfiction on the top shelf. 


Children's Spanish collection- Any children's item with "SP" on the label goes on the far left of the upper shelf of the children's cart (Wyoming room side). This includes any and all item types with the "E" or "J" label.   Also watch out for new items in this section.


Buckaroo and Indian Paintbrush nominees- Some children's items will have a label on the front designating that they are a Buckaroo/Indian Paintbrush award nominee followed by a school year.  When you spot these labels, check the year. If they are nominated for the CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR, place them to the right of the Spanish items on the top shelf.  If they are from past years, shelve them with their general category (usually E, J fiction)


Juvenile fiction-Items marked "J [cutter number]" are placed on the left-hand side of the middle shelf facing the Wyoming room.  Again, check for new stickers.


Juvenile paperbacks- Items marked "J PB [letter]" are juvenile paperbacks. These go on the middle shelf to the right of juvenile fiction.


Juvenile comics- If an item has a label of "J COMICS [cutter number]," it goes on the right-hand side of the middle shelf.  Watch out for adult and YA comics trying to sneak their way in.  Also, new items in this category are shelved elsewhere.


New items- All those warnings about watching out for new items have led to this.  New children's items should all go on the bottom shelf of the children's cart (Wyomig room side) on the left-hand side.  As noted elsewhere on the wiki, items are considered new for four months including the current month.  If a new sticker has a date prior to four months ago, remove the sticker and place the item in with its usual category.  To clarify, if the current month is 2/09 and you see a new sticker from 11/08, you would leave it on the item and place the item on the bottom shelf.  If you see an item with a sticker from 10/08, you would remove the sticker and place the item with its specified category.


Magazines- Children's magazines are labelled with a pink juvenile sticker. When you come across these, place the items in the middle of the bottom shelf.


Parent shelf and professional collection items- This category includes materials labelled "PS" or "Parent Shelf" and "Prof Coll." Be sure to keep an eye out for magazines with the Parent Shelf sticker on them as these go with the other parent items.  Place these items on the right-hand side of the bottom shelf.


Non-cart Areas


Some items are not placed on carts prior to shelving but rather on shelves behind the circulation desk.


ILLs and Holds- If you are discharging an item and a hold notice appears and prints, write the patron's last name and first initial on the printout and shelve the item along the top shelf in alphabetical order (by last name).  ILLs will be brought out periodically and placed on the far left-hand side of this shelf, and you can feel free to shelve them, again alphabetically, along this shelf.


Adult audiobooks-All adult audiobooks (CD, Cassette, MP3 formats including fiction, mystery, sci-fi, western, nonfiction, and biography, as well as new items) go on the shelf below ILLs and holds in the section second in from the right.


Adult fiction-General adult fiction paperbacks (i.e. NOT Westerns, Sci-fi, Mystery) go on the shelf below audiobooks. Be sure to check that they say "FICTION PB [letter]" on their spine labels.


Romance novels- Romance novels go below fiction paperbacks.  Check for labels-romance novels should not have any. Try to keep them to right-hand side of this shelf.


Adult Spanish collection- All adult Spanish items go on the right-hand side of the bottom shelf (opposite the romance novels).


Adult Cart


Nonfiction-Items labeled with an unpreceded dewey decimal number go on the far side of the adult cart (toward the ILL shelf, away from the desk) on the top shelf.  Be sure to check the labels on the cart for proper orientation. 


Fiction- Items labeled "F" or "Fiction" followed by a cutter number go on the top shelf of the adult cart on the side closer to the desk. Not all adult fiction items bear these labels. If an item has no spine label, check for an "M," "S," or "W" at the top of the spine. If it has either of these notations, it is not general fiction and does not belong on this particular section of the cart.  You can often find the genre distinction on the inside cover of the book. If that label says the item is fiction (and not mystery, sci fi or western), it goes here.


Biographies-Adult biographies (labeled with a "B" and a cutter number as well as-usually-a last name at the top of the spine) are placed on the same cart shelf as adult nonfiction.


Mysteries, Science Fiction, and Westerns- Items labeled "Mystery [cutter number]," "Sci Fi [cutter number]," and "Western [cutter number]" are shelved on the middle shelf of the adult cart on the side facing toward the desk.  Additionally, items with an "M" or "W" at the top of the spine belong here.  If you are uncertain of the item type, check the inside covers. This is also where paperbacks labeled "Mystery PB," "Sci Fi PB," and "Western PB" belong.  Try to keep them in order by genre by placing mysteries toward the left side, westerns to the right, and science fiction in the middle.

Oversized books- Nonfiction items with an "f" abover their dewey decimal label are oversized items (also known as folios) and should be placed on the bottom shelf of the adult cart on the left-hand side.


Adult magazines and YA magazines; Newspapers - These items go on the bottom of the adult cart on the right-hand side.  Please do not mix newspapers and magazines, and shelve previous day's newspapers if there is time ... they are easy.


Reference items and Wyoming room items- Inicated by an "R" or a "WYO" on their label, these items don't have a designated place to go before they are shelved because they come to the circ desk infrequently. You can place them on the bottom of the adult shelf between the folios and the newspapers.


New Adult Items -- There is a shelf for New books at the west end of the ILL/Holds case.  Shelve these if there is time as this is a popular browsing area.  New DVDs, audio books, Comics etc. go on the cart with those items.


YA Cart


The "YA Cart" contains items that can be shelved from the Circ Desk, i.e. that we can "run out and shelve" but still be in view of the desk.

NOTE:  YA magazines are stacked with Adult magazines as the archives are in the same area.


Young adult fiction- Items marked with an "I" or "YA" before a cutter number are young adult fiction. Place them on the front left-hand side of the upper shelf of the YA cart.


Young adult sci fi and young adult mystery-Items marked with "I" or "YA" followed by "sci fi" or "mystery" before their cutter number should be placed on the front right-hand side of the YA cart's upper shelf.  


Young adult non-fiction-These are items labeled "YA" or "I" followed by a dewey decimal number. Place them on the back left-hand side of the upper YA cart shelf. YA biographies go in the same place.


Young adult paperback- Items labeled "YA PB" or "I PB" followed by author's initial should be placed on the back half of the upper shelf of the YA cart, preferably in the middle.


Yound adult AV items- All audiovisual items with a "YA" or "I" label should be placed on the back half of the upper shelf of the YA cart, preferably in the middle.


Young adult new items- Any item with a "YA" or "I" label as well as a "new" sticker from the past four months (including current month) should be placed on the upper shelf of the YA cart on the back right-hand side of the upper shelf of the YA cart.


CDs-CDs should be placed on the lower shelf of the YA cart in a separate stack.


DVDs-DVDs should be placed on the lower shelf of the YA cart in a stack separate from the CDs. New DVDs should be placed in the same stack. These can go on the right-hand side.


Comics- Adult and YA comics should be placed on the lower shelf of the YA cart.  These should be placed on the left-hand side.


Manga- Manga goes on the lower shelf of the YA cart. These should also go on the left-hand side.


Large Print Cart


Items with an "LP" label on the spine should be placed on the Large Print cart. New Large Print items should be placed on the right-hand side of the top shelf. Generally, LP fiction should be kept on the top shelf while Westerns and Mysteries should go to the middle shelf. Non-fiction and biographies should be placed on the bottom shelf.






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