LCLS Visit Notes 10/08
We got to see all the floors in the building. Circulation, Children's, YA and Refrence are on diffrent floors.
Their discharging machine is time saving since it sorts out diffrent items and discharge them.
They have self check out also. Patron can pick up their holds from the shelves and check out their items themselves.
Technical Services is on different floor which can not be seen by patrons. Items are received in their mail room and sent to technical services on carts. Refrence books are cataloged by reference staff. Periodicals are also not done by technical services staff. One of the staff is only for receiving items and then they are kept on different carts with labels e.g. to be barcoded, to catalog,rush delivery or to be processed.
They have 4 part time and 2 full time staff to do cataloging. One staff member catalog only AV material.
Selectors do not come here and check their items. If technical staff has any question regarding cataloging they can ask them.
Supervisor helps in nonfiction cataloging by providing them with call numbers. After items are cataloged they are processed by staff and by volunteer.
After items are ready, they are kept on different carts e.g. children, YA or adult and taken to those departments.
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