

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago


Always mark off each procedure on checklist after completed


1. Open safe - (requires combination). 


2. MONEY COUNT & DEPOSIT - Do this with another person present, for the sake of having two pairs of eyes. Remove cash drawer from safe (put master key stored in cash drawer with other master keys at circ desk).  Complete Cash Worksheet (found in hanging circ file drawer (labeled CASH COUNT). Use previous day's date.  Take previous day's tape from cash drawer.  Compare "NET 3" amount on tape with the deposit amount on the worksheet.  Indicate any discrepancies on the CC Worksheet.  Staple the folded tape to the back of the CC Worksheet.  In the "cash" $ box (in safe) are empty plastic envelopes with cards.  Put cash, checks, and credit receipts in envelope, along with credit card machine balancing report if any $.  In pencil, enter date, cash amount and initials on the card.  Return to $box, then back to safe.  Worksheet goes to Administrative Services (drop-off folder on Tara's desk).  Cash Drawer goes into cash register.



3. Turn on desk and public computers - make sure each station has scratch paper and 4 sharpened pencils


4. Turn on copier- on/off button upper left side of copier.


5. Run overdue notices in Workflows.  Using the "Finished Reports" workflows icon. (Reports w/red check mark over top)  The report can also be accessed via Command/All Wizards/Finished Reports.  Use - Report name: Alby, first, last, overdue completed - for current date. 

Basic instructions for printing:  Click "Finished reports" highlight current date report/click print3/ New screen - In dialog box that appears, the following buttons should be checked:  PC Print/Print result/Format Report/(For which reciptients do you want to select notices?) check Only those with No-Email Address/ (Click OK) After letters print then close.  Letters are then folded-checking for bad addresses(00000)give to CSC/stuffed in envelopes and sealed.  Make sure return address and ALBY EMAIL STAMP (both stamps found on TS table)are on each envelope./stamped/put in mail.  Except Sunday - then they must be taken over to mailbox at Civic Center. (due to Library closed on Monday)


6. Print off hold shelf list -This task pulls requested items (holds) from the shelves and marks them as Holds in the system.  Using the Webbrowser enter WorldClient(listed under favorites).  Login as albyill with appropriate password.  Select the most current message titled "Library Notice" and print.  Search for and pull listed items, crossing off those found and circle those Not found.  Cross reference the items not found with previous Holds list (next to register) to see how many times it has been looked for. (If 3 times you will need to mark missing and place ILL for patron to receive book).  Trap holds using Workflows trap holds icon (lock w/butterfly net) in the Holds toolbar(lock w/key). Basic steps: Scan barcode/add receipt(after viewing where book should go "holds to be called", "in transit", "reference", "childrens" or "staff").  If hold is for staff please check it out to that person and place in basket/Transit usually will go in back on Shelve marked "Rock river" or "Centinnel".  If on hold for patron place on "To be called" hold shelf in back.


7. Newspapers get checked in: Basic check-in steps:   Use Check-in Issues of a serial in Workflows or via Command/All Wizards/CheckinREC/ Now enter title making sure library location is ALBY/ then OK/ If requested, select from list then OK/Next screen locate-Click on ALBY then check in issues/Now confirm issue is the one expected(title and date) click OK/New Search/.  Newspapers then get stamped with current date using Albany County Public Library stamp.  Hang newspapers on spindles, taping any single pages.  Shelve all previous day's papers in appropriate area.


8. Turn on lights in Wyoming room (Should be left unlocked), turn on elevator light go downstairs and turn OFF outside stairwell light(In boiler room/use master key).


9. Turn on all lights, fan etc. (switches are located at northeast corner of big office space)


10. Open fire door (green buttons; don't open all the way!)/Turn on lights to hallway and bathrooms (shut bathroom doors)./Lock door between lobby and meeting room (master key)./  If meeting rooms were used the previous evening, check rooms for cleanliness and any equipment left out.  Return equipment to AV closet.


11. Get gate count: Found at bottom of exit arm and written on gatecount form in drawer at circ desk drawer


12. Upon opening front doors (using allen wrench key) make sure that the door between the lobby and meeting room hallway is locked (Door w/Dead bolt lock).  Turn on lobby lights(using fork like key).


13. Put flag out on flagpole.


14. Check the maintenance closet for returned meeting room keys and discharge any meeting room keys that have been returned there.


15. Get bookdrop:  

Key for bookdrop is in closet near backdoor (pink number 1).

Grocery cart for transporting books is in small meeting room.

Do NOT collect the book drop if it is raining or snowing.  Wait until it stops to avoid damaging the library materials.



More details:


CashCount (Video)














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