

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Switches in the Server Area


Here is an overview of the column of switches in the server area, and what everything does.


Starting at the top:


(A) The primary staff switch. Every port is used. It’s not labeled as staff, but that’s definitely what it’s for. Every port here connects either to a port on (B), or to something downstairs that’s on the staff network. My guess is that Russ set up the secondary staff switch (F) when (A) got full.


port 4: Circ wkrm - Matt, Josh, Printer

port 15: Rehka's phone

port 16: Stephen;s phone

port 19: Kathy's desk

port 20: Staff room

port 22: ILL (temporarily moved to public port 22)


(B) This is not a switch at all. It’s just a row of network jacks. Every wire that comes from upstairs ties into the back of one of these, if it connects to the library network at all. Each jack is a separate entity. Since they’re hardwired in, we should probably leave them exactly as they are, if possible. Once we map out where these all connect to upstairs, everything else will be a breeze.


Back: 14 cables coming from upstairs. All cased in white. Here is what I know so far:


Port 1: Children’s office

Port 2: Director

Port 3:

Port 4: Reference office (Ruth’s Desk)


Port 6: Downstairs, behind Marjorie’s desk

Port 7: Under Port 6

Port 8: Outreach (English)

Port 9: Friends’ network

Port 10: Public wireless bridge (reference desk)

Port 11: Staff wireless

Port 12: Circ Desk M

Port 13: Circ Desk E

Port 14: Circ Desk W

Port 15: Something public

Port 16: The “meetings” wireless network

Port 17: Foundation exec


Port 24: The jack where “Ariel” used to be


Front: Every port here is currently connected to the staff network, except the following:


Port 9 -> public port 9

Port 10 -> public port 10

Port 15 -> public port 15

Port 16 -> outside port 16

Port 24 -> outside port 8


(C) The same thing as (B), but with only two things coming into it.




Port 23: Public2

Port 24: Green cable from the Qwest DSL Gateway




Port 23 -> staff (E) port 12

Port 24 -> outside port 1


(D) ShoreGear 60/12. This is a “voice switch,” handling both analog and digital ShoreTel phones. Up to 60 VOIP phones OR 12 analog extensions.


(E) “Outside” switch. Everything that doesn’t need to be behind a firewall connects directly to this switch. There are only five things on here:


Port 1: The Qwest DSL Router, via port 24 on (C)

Port 2: ACPL, which acts as a firewall for the staff network

Port 3: FW, which acts as a firewall for the patron network

Port 8: The jack where “Ariel” used to be, via port 24 on (B)

Port 16: The “meetings” wireless network, via port 16 on (B)


(F) “Staff” switch. This is the secondary switch for the staff network, and the only one that has room for new connections.


Port 1: From (A)

Port 6: Ruth's desk

Port 18: WWW


(G) “Patron” switch. Everything on the patron network is connected to this switch.


Current configuration:



Port 9: Friends Network

Port 10: Public Wireless Bridge

Port 15: ??

Port 22: FW

Port 23: Reference Desk/ Public2 wireless router

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