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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago






GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Technical Services and Systems Librarian oversees and participates in the efficient operation of all Technical Services and Systems functions for the county library and its branches. The position is also responsible for coordinating technology planning for the library.


DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE POSITION: The Technical Services and Systems Librarian is responsible for database quality and network maintenance. The Technical Services and Systems Librarian supervises, trains, and evaluates Technical Services and Systems staff in acquisitions (books and supplies), cataloging and classification, network administration, processing, and mending. The librarian ensures computer hardware and software systems are maintained properly, keeping all library staff informed of changes. The librarian works in close contact with Wyoming State Library and WYLD office personnel and other department heads and reports to the director.




Technical Services:


  • Performs and supervises original, copy, and adaptive cataloging in compliance with applicable professional standards, including MARC format, Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Dewey Decimal Classification, and Library of Congress Subject Headings.
  • Searches LC, UW & OCLC, updates records as needed, and edits records transferred to the WYLD database; reports problems to the WYLD office.
  • Supervises linking (inputting all library materials in the WYLD data base), including materials for the branch libraries.
  • Maintains online catalog database quality, correcting and discarding records as necessary.
  • Supervises processing, mending and discarding.
  • Supervises library collection and supplies ordering, receiving and invoicing; supervises vendor selection; supervises inventory; maintains and updates funds in Sirsi acquisitions.
  • Collects and prepares monthly and annual statistics and reports.
  • Maintains and updates Technical Services procedure manuals,
  • Presents training on technical services topics.




  • Maintains and updates library technology plan.
  • Maintains technology skills checklists for all library staff and provides or arranges for training as needed.
  • Installs, modifies, and makes minor repairs to computer hardware and software systems, and provides technical assistance to system users (i.e. staff).
  • Maintains the library’s web server and content/design of the library web site.
  • Writes and distributes bids for prices upon approval for large (generally over $10,000) computer related purchases. After bids are returned, compares bids and places the final order. Confirms invoices are payable after receipt of goods.
  • Serves as liaison for official communication and coordination with the Albany County IT staff. Follows up on any large, ongoing issues with service.




  • Participates in personnel management and training (using WYLD skills checklists and ACPL orientation information); supervises volunteers.
  • Other duties as assigned.



  • Knows and follows library policy and procedures and can operate technology/software, pointing out problem areas and suggesting improvements.
  • Knows and follows safety procedures, pointing out problems and keeping equipment in satisfactory condition.
  • Keeps informed on library issues: attends staff meetings, reads and initials the log, keeps up with e-mail.
  • Keeps skills current and growing: attends required trainings, actively seeks opportunities to learn new things.
  • Works well with others, including public, volunteers, and fellow staff: is flexible, has a good sense of humor about the irritations of daily work life, and respects the feelings and needs of co-workers.
  • Is sensitive to patron privacy and intellectual freedom issues.
  • Is committed to public service values: is patient and helpful with all patrons and staff; seeks appropriate referrals (in-house or outside) and does not value library rules above patron satisfaction.
  • Understands that change and evolving library procedures are constants in library work.
  • Is a good office citizen: turns time sheet in on time, keeps work and break area clean, responds to emails and requests promptly, has a positive attitude.




Expert knowledge of library operations, including automation, Anglo-American Cataloging Rules Revision 2, MARC 21 format, Dewey Decimal Classification, Library of Congress Subject Headings, and OCLC CatExpress. Demonstrated communication and interpersonal skills.


Experience with all workstation versions of Windows and a networked Windows environment. Knowledge of the Microsoft Office products, Anti-Virus software, and, and the ability to quickly learn new windows based products as they are needed. Ability to troubleshoot common computer hardware, network, and software malfunctions and errors.


Must establish good working skills with co-workers and staff. Communicate effectively and make prompt and accurate decisions in dealing with problems. Have a diverse and accurate knowledge of computer and network systems and be able to troubleshoot common problems related to those systems. Be able to answer computer and network related questions and problems for staff and volunteers. Must be able to work effectively in situations with frequent interruptions and/or changing priorities.


ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: A Master of Library Science from a school accredited by the American Library Association with an emphasis in technical services/systems and 2-8 years full-time pertinent experience in library work or equivalent. Supervisory and budget experience helpful. SIRSI experience highly desirable. Some light lifting may be required (must be able to lift up to 25 pounds).

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