- Please make suggestions for improving our next open house!
Facts about this one:
76 names in the guest book. A mother signed for herself, but didn't sign for her children.
8 children and 5 adults attended storytime
Simplied craft at storytime to creating with paper/crayons/markers....only two children did this...was great because clean up was easier than previous years.
Comments about this one:
Banners were great.
Great selection of food.
Great to have so many library board members there. (How many?) Rebecca, Suzanne, Terry
Loved the overlap with the League of Women Voters forum and YAK. Many people came early for the former and stayed late from the latter and attended the open house.
Food in the back worked pretty well.
Suggestions for next year:
Have a clicker to get a better count.
Have it be a headline on the web page.
Invite UW librarians and librarian up at LCCC
Share with storytime parents/kids' book club parents (We did this at each storytime two weeks prior to the event)
Back banners with a second layer so light doesn't pass through them
Have the storytime in the children's area so story readers can work simultaneously on other tasks (like shelving) when there aren't any children present
Buy more tongs for serving fruits and veggies. BJM will get them.
The bread bowls look nice, but are a pain to cut up when the small bread slices are gone and lots of dip remains. Could we just get it in a bowl?
If we want library/foundation/friends board members to do something in particular besides attend, we need to inform them ahead of time what that is.
Who did what:**
Ordered 5 fruit trays, 5 veggie trays, 4 cookies, and 5 spinach dip, 8 bottles of pop, and 1 urn coffee. No cheese and crackers.
Next year order: 3 fruit trays, 3 veggie trays, 5 spinach dip in regular bowls, not bread bowls, 6 bottles of pop and 1 urn coffee.
Have toothpicks for food and ice for drinks.
BJM, MD, and Dave the Wyoming Room volunteer, set out the food in the Ref. area, Betsy set up the coffee pot next to the copier.
Ad in paper on Sunday previous and day of event
Email blast to patrons, if possible
In newsletter
Library signage
SMS emailed invitations to school librarians, principals, and administrators and county department heads.
BB created banners
SMS hung banners while BJM held the ladder.
Two hours worked well. Definitely no longer
Voluntary staffing seemed to work well. Most people are coming in to visit, not necessarily to learn about programs. This is a side benefit to attending. Storytime was great and well received. Need to have more gentle way of accosting people at door-- a few were a little surprised when greeted-- big sign out front?
Dave, the Wyoming Room volunteer, was there to staff the Wyoming Room and answer questions, but helped a lot with setting out food and moving it to the large meeting room.
BJM & TC staffed the food area and kept trays filled, cutting up the bread bowls when the small slices were gone and lots of dip left - also chatted with patrons.
BJM took photos.
DK & BB read to children
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