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Claims Returned

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

If an item is missing (still checked out to the patron's account, and not found upon searching the library), but the patron adamantly claims they've returned the item, we can mark the item "claims returned" to remove it from the patron's account.


To do this, select the first icon under the "special circulation functions" menu in Workflows.  You will be asked to identify the patron, and upon doing so, will be given a list of their current checkouts.  Select the appropriate item and set the date "claims returned" to any date BEFORE the listed due date.


Chris recommends the following:


1.  look for the item on the shelf

2.  if not found, renew once and encourage the patron to look for it (as will we).  It's best NOT to agree to call them.  Instead tell them that if the item is found or returned it will be taken off their account, if not they will receive another notice etc.

3.  if the item then doesn't show up, mark item "claims returned"

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