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Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 9 months ago

Collecting Money For Other Libraries:


The most common types of monies collected for other libraries are fines and ILL fees.



As a general rule, if the fines are below $5 ACPL can collect the money without having to send it to the original library. Ring these fines up as (Library Fees) on register. An exception to this is ILL fees. If a library charges our patron for an ILL (for example, Laramie County has a $2 fee for DVD checkout), we have to always fill out a "Fines from other libraries" form for this.

If the fines are above $5, we must send the library the money we collect. Fill out a “Fines from other Libraries” form as shown and ring up as (Library Fees) on the register.


Fines from other Libraries

Date date

Patron name

Barcode patron barcode

Library library to send money to

Amount total collected

Title list the title(s) of item(s) with fines




All ILL fees go to the lending library, whether or not the fee is over $5. Some libraries charge for sending ILLs and some libraries don’t, but don’t get confused. If an ILL has a fee, it will be written on the paper book band and also on the orange name strip. Fill out a “Fines from other Libraries” form as shown and ring up the fines as (Library Fees).


Fines from other Libraries

Date date

Patron name

Barcode patron barcode

Library library to send money to

Amount total collected, ILL FEE

Title list the title(s) of item(s) with fees


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